productivity tips for programmers

Being productive as a programmer sometimes is difficult for us. As a programmer, we do lots of things like doing coding (obviously), reading technical stuff, talking with clients, with fellow programmers, and with other people too.

And with this sometimes we become non-productive because humans don't like the same routine. But we also need to complete our work fast. So following productivity tips help you to stay focused and productive all day as a programmer.

Productivity Tips for Programmers

Here are some top 10 productivity tips for programmers.

1. Make Plan

Make a plan, maybe it is for a day, for a week or month just make a plan. I suggest make a daily plan and prepare a to-do list and try to complete at least three tasks from the to-do list.

If you are project is big then split your task for the day and try to complete that task on that day. So your day becomes productive.

2. Find a peaceful place

The first thing find a better place to do coding, hope you have done this already but distraction also ruins your productivity. 

So to minimize the distraction you have to find a quiet place so you can work better and better and better to make work fast and this increases your productivity.

3. Take breaks

Coding is a game mind and your mind also needs food. To feed your mind just take a small or big break.

If you do coding for long hours without taking breaks then your feel anxious, you may feel overloaded. And this affects your works.

So take a break and meet your friends or girlfriend (if you are not single), go for a walk in nature, do some physical activity. This refreshes your brain and increases your productivity.

4. Start with the hardest task

Brian Tracy says “Eat that frog!” In other words, start your day with your “biggest, hardest, and most important task”.

Almost all people in the morning check the email only then try to tune into the work state. As a result, our enthusiasm is gone, along with valuable time, we could have spent on getting the stuff done.

Instead, prepare a to-do list, prioritize the task and select at least three tasks to complete in the day. Pick the worst task or hard task out of those three and focus on getting it done first thing in the day.

5. Master Your Tech and Tools

You should have a grasp on what you are using for your project. Like, code editor, browser, debugging tool, framework, terminal, etc. Once you have a grasp on this then your work speed becomes fast and you can do your work fast as possible.

6. Know your productive hours

Scientists show that every person has different productive hours in a day. Where they feel more powerful and productive and they peak performance both mentally and physically. 

So find your productive hours in a day. Some people like to code at night and some people early in the morning. You may have different hours just find it, never waste those hours.

So, know your productive hours and make a plan according to that hours.

7. Review your habits

If possible, ask your friends and fellow programmer to watch your coding habits and other habits too. You might get some advice from it. If possible then must try this. It may help you get productive in work.

8. Close unnecessary tabs and Softwares

This is very helpful for you even I follow this tip, just close unnecessary tabs and software when you code. It irritates you while you switch browser to the code editor and vice-versa.

Multiple tabs are common for developers while they finding solutions but make a habit to close unnecessary tabs because sometimes you are confused about which tab is necessary and you lose the solution sometimes.

9. Don't do multiple tasks

Choose one task at one time. You can do multiple works in a day but make a timetable for that. 

10. Get proper sleep

I know as a programmer we sleep less but sometimes it's better to have a good sleep for productive in next day. 

At last, just follow the above tips to become a productive programmer. Initially to gain productivity is hard but by time you will get it. So try to follow the above tips and share these tips with your fellow programmers.