Develop a C program to create, initialize and access a pointer variable for int, float, and char data type.

#include <stdio.h>

void main()
char ch, *chp;
int i, *ip;
float ff, *fp;
printf("Enter character: ");
scanf("%c", &ch);

printf("\nEnter integer: ");
scanf("%d", &i);

printf("\nEnter float: ");
scanf("%f", &ff);

chp = &ch;
ip = &i;
fp = &ff;

printf("\nAddress contained in chp: %u", chp);
printf("\nAddress contained in ip: %u", ip);
printf("\nAddress contained in fp: %u", fp);

printf("\nValue of ch using chp pointer: %c", *chp);
printf("\nValue of i using ip pointer: %d", *ip);
printf("\nValue of ff using fp pointer: %f", *fp);
